Embark on an unparalleled educational journey with TILTEDU’s Short Courses, meticulously designed to unlock a world of opportunities within the thriving gaming industry. Our curated 1 to 3-month programs offer comprehensive foundational knowledge and advanced expertise in game development, Unity, Unreal, AR/VR, and related subjects. Whether you prefer flexible online learning or immersive in-person instruction, our hybrid format caters to your needs. Benefit from personalized guidance by experienced instructors, providing support throughout your learning process. Expand your skills through supplementary resources, online forums, and dedicated support channels. Refine your craft with expert consultations and constructive feedback, ensuring your ability to create captivating and immersive gaming experiences. Experience professional excellence with TILTEDU and seize limitless possibilities in this dynamic industry.

The Art of Game Creation: A Comprehensive Course (45 days/100 hours

Module 1

Introduction to Game Development. Unity Engine, and C# Programming

Module 2

2D Game Development

Module 3

3D Game Development

Module 4

Strategy Based Game Development

Module 5

Third-Person Shooter Game Development

Module 6

Car Racing Game Development & Final Project

AI-Driven Game Development with Unity: An Immersive VR/MR Journey (160)

Module 1

Introduction to Unity and Game Design

Module 2

3D Modelling & Art Direction

Module 3

Game Projects

Module 4

AI in Games

Module 5

Introduction to VR/MR in Unity

Module 6

Final Project & Examination

Embrace the Future of Technology with Empowering Short Courses

Versatile learning options

Choose our flexible online learning platform or immersive in-person instruction to tailor your learning experience according to your preferences and schedule.

Experienced industry professionals

Benefit from the guidance and expertise of our seasoned instructors, who bring real-world experience and industry insights to the classroom.

Networking and support

Connect with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals through our dedicated support channels, online forums, and networking opportunities to expand your professional network.

Cutting-edge curriculum

Our meticulously designed courses offer the latest industry insights and practical knowledge to keep you at the forefront of the gaming industry.

Hands-on projects

Engage in practical, hands-on projects that allow you to apply your learning and. develop tangible skills in game development, Unity, Unreal, AR/VR, and related subjects.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the duration of TILTEDU’s Short Courses?
TILTEDU’s Short Courses span from 1 to 3 months, providing a comprehensive learning experience within a compact timeframe.
Are there opportunities for networking and additional resources?
Yes, TILTEDU encourages networking and skill enhancement through supplementary resources, dedicated support channels like online forums and Slack/Discord groups, expert consultations, and constructive feedback.
Are there hands-on projects in the Al-Driven Game Development course?
Absolutely! The course includes game projects where you can develop both simple Al-powered games and more complex VR/MR games with Al components.